You use the Client Integration Plug-in to deploy OVF or OVA templates and transfer files with the datastore browser. You can also use the Client Integration Plug-in to connect virtual devices that reside on a client computer to a virtual machine. You install the Client Integration Plug-in only once to connect virtual devices to virtual machines that you access through an instance of the vSphere Web Client.
Solution: S.Lee I haven't installed Windows 10 at work yet so I don't have the Edge browser. Still on Windows 7 Pro x64.Edit: I've just created a case with Hey All, As I'm sure most of you are aware, Chrome 45 hit on Sept. 1st and took NPAPI out completely so there is no further work around to use the CIP in the vSphere Web Client.
You must restart the browser after you install the plug-in. If you install the Client Integration Plug-in from an Internet Explorer browser, you must first disable Protected Mode. Internet Explorer identifies the Client Integration Plug-in as being on the Internet instead of on the local intranet. In such cases, the plug-in does not install correctly because Protected Mode is enabled for the Internet. The Client Integration Plug-in also enables you to log in to the vSphere Web Client using Windows session credentials. For information about supported browsers and operating systems, see the vSphere Installation and Setup documentation.